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Selectmen Minutes 11/27/2007
Chichester Board of Selectmen
November 27, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  Chairman Colbert was excused.

Selectman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm

SUBJECT: Department Heads  
PRESENT: Dave Paveglio; Building Inspector, Gil Vien; Fire Chief, John Uitts; Deputy Fire Chief, Patrick Clarke; Police Chief, John Martell; Emergency Management Director, and David Kenneally; Road Agent  

HYW – The Road Agent reported the department is working the kinks out of the newly acquired plow truck.  The spreader needed some re-calibration.

Selectmen DeBold inquired about the Road Advisory Committee.  Mr. Kenneally reported that there has been no activity with the Road Advisory Committee.  The Road Agent would like to see this group continue.  

EMD – Mr. Martell had nothing to report this evening.

PD – Chief Clarke is still trying to work out a viable work schedule due to the resignation of one full-time officer.  The old Ford Explorer has been turned over to the Fire Department.

FD – The department is swapping out the equipment from the blazer to the explorer.  The blazer will be turned over to the highway department.

Deputy Uitts has submitted the corrected pages, per town counsel’s recommendations, for the department’s updated operations and guidelines manual.  The Board will need to review this manual and vote on its final approval.

BI – Mr. Paveglio reported he has been monitoring and documenting the construction activity going on at 99 Dover Road, as instructed by town counsel.   This violation has been turned over to the attorney for litigation. Chief Vien reported this property owner requested a woodstove permit from the fire department and was denied.  The Selectmen advised the Fire Chief to document this request for the record.

Mr. Paveglio has performed a final inspection on the Cote residence and prepared the Occupancy Permit which includes the written stipulation recommended by town counsel.
Mr. Cote is reluctant to sign the permit at this time.  Chief Vien performed the furnace inspection, which is okay, however the woodstove installation does not meet code.  Mr. Cote is taking care of the changes and will contact the Fire Chief for a final approval.

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BOS minutes
November 27, 2007

The Board instructed Mr. Paveglio not to issue the Occupancy Permit until the Fire Chief has re-inspected the woodstove installation.

Mr. Paveglio has received a phone call from the plumber contracted for the Daniels property on King Road.  The plumber informed Mr. Paveglio that he plumbed the house for a two family.  The plumber was told to contact the Selectmen with his complaint.

The plumber has contacted the Selectmen’s Office and will forward a written complaint.  

SUBJECT: 2008 budget proposals
PRESENT: Budget Committee members – Lisa Drouse, Lucille Noel, Scott Marston, John Martell, and Norm Larochelle

Tonight the group reviewed the current operating expenses of the highway department, in detail.  The concern was to make sure specific categories are correctly funded and make adjustments from other lines if not to compensate for the differences.  The accounts focused on were #4312-26 – Tools & Supplies and #4312-51 – Labor for the ditching project.  The Administrator was directed to speak to the Road Agent regarding the possibility of lowering this line item.

Next item discussed was the request from the Fire Department for a new ambulance.  The Chief submitted call volumes on both ambulances and explained the difference in the types of calls the ambulance responds to.  The necessity of keeping two ambulances was once again debated.   

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission – proposed acquisition of map 9, lot 103
PRESENT: Bob Mann and Jeff Andrews

The commission has been approached by property owner, Whittemore to donate this parcel to the town.  This parcel is landlocked with no known access. A public hearing was held with no public attending and no concerns being brought forth from the public.  The commission walked the site and could not identify the bounds according to the deed on file. A survey and title search would need to be done as the next step in the process.  Taxes are in arrears on this parcel.  The parcel is located in a significant wildlife habitat area as identified on the Natural Resources Inventory. The commission will take it one step at a time and will proceed with the acceptance of the property as long as the costs associated with deed research, etc., do not prove too costly.

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BOS minutes
November 27, 2007

SUBJECT: 2008 budget discussions
PRESENT: Budget Committee – Lisa Drouse, Lucille Noel, John Martell, Scott Martson and Norm Larochelle

Continued discussion regarding the proposed ambulance replacement took place.  Chief Vien explained that all the current equipment on the ambulance would be swapped over to the new ambulance.  There would be no additional cost to outfit.

A brief summary of a new option for replacement of the SCBA Breathing Apparatus took place.  Deputy Chief Uitts is working on a proposal with the Newcastle fire department and will have a firm proposal to submit next week.  

Proposed funding of the existing Capital Reserve Funds will be discussed at length next week.  


Selectman MacCleery informed Selectman DeBold as ex-officio on the Planning Board, that the Planning Board, or its designated members, should attend the Board of Adjustment Hearing, December 12th, to hear the appeal filed by Mr. Paul Adams, against the Planning Board’s conditional approval of the Giuda and Merrill subdivisions.

Clarification was given by Selectman DeBold regarding the phone inquiry received by Selectman MacCleery relative to the student council survey for student input as to what improvements the students would like to see in town as it relates to recreation.  Mr. DeBold met with the student council on behalf of the Recreation Commission, as Recreation Commission Chairman.  This request was not directed by the Board of Selectmen and is not a project of the Selectmen.

The corrected impact fee assessments for the Giuda and Merrill subdivisions were given to Selectman DeBold for discussion with the Planning Board at the December 6th meeting.

The Board directed Lisa to send a memo to the Planning Board apprising them of the building violation that is ongoing at 99 Dover Road.

The Board decided to close the town offices on December 24th and December 25th for the Christmas Holiday.  

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The Board approved the minutes of November 20, 2007 as written.  The Board approved the minutes of the non-public session held on November 20, 2007, as written.  

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BOS minutes
November 27, 2007

Being no further business, Selectman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens
Administrator                                   APPROVED AS CORRECTED
David Colbert, Chairman

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery